Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Kaizen - continuous, incremental improvement adds up to substantial change over time.


I recently listened to a Podcast that mentioned Kaizen. It piqued my interest, which led me to do some research on how I can use this philosophy in life and in business. Please feel free to write in the comment section how you have used Kaizen in your life, in business, and any tips you may have.

Kaizen - continuous, incremental improvement adds up to substantial change over time.

“The act of making bad points better”. ‘change for better’

Muda – which means waste

-      Get 1 Percent Better each Day

-      Eliminate unnecessary activities/ waste

In order to achieve Kaizen, you need to adopt the practice of self-criticism. You need to hold yourself accountable and find room for improvement even if everything is going according to plan. 


  • PLAN: Plan your improvements, including setting goals.
  • DO: Put in place the actions required for improvement.
  • CHECK: Measure your success relative to your baseline.
  • ACT: Adjust or tweak your changes

5 Elements for Business:

1.     Teamwork

2.     Personal Discipline

3.     Improved Morale

4.     Quality Circles, and

5.     Suggestions for Improvement


  • Keep a log: Write down things that are inefficient or you would like to improve
  • Once a month, spend some time identifying areas where there is "waste" in the way you or your team is working
  • Plan out how you are going to make these changes
  • If changes are going to affect others, make sure to discuss with them

Reprogram Your Brain - Dr. Maurer:

By breaking intimidating tasks into little steps, you generally will feel little resistance to change.

One of the most powerful ways to reprogram your brain for success is by asking small questions.

“A major component of our brains is the hippocampus and it plays an important role in the consolidation of information.

The hippocampus has one main criterion for storage: Repetition. So, asking an empowering question – like: “What’s great about this problem” – over and over, gives the brain no choice but to pay attention and begin to create answers.

Your brain loves questions and won’t reject them . . . unless the question is so big, it triggers fear.

But by asking small, gentle questions, we keep the fight-or-flight response in the “off” position. Kaizen questions such as: “What’s the smallest step I can take to be more efficient?” allow us to bypass our fears.

If your questions are small, you reduce the chances of waking the amygdala and arousing debilitating fear. If fear is non-existent, the brain can take in your questions and answer them without conflict.” Dr. Maurer

Insights from Dr. Maurer’s, One Small Step Can Change Your Life

·        Small actions satisfy your brain’s need to do something and soothe its distress.”

·        “If you are trying to reach a specific goal, ask yourself every day: What is one small step I could take toward reaching my goal?”

·        “Small actions are at the heart of Kaizen. By taking steps so tiny that they seem trivial or even laughable, you’ll sail calmly past obstacles that have defeated you before. Slowly—but painlessly! —you’ll cultivate an appetite for continued success and lay down a permanent new route to change.”

·        If you hit a wall of resistance, “don’t give up! Instead, try scaling back the size of your steps. Remember that your goal is to bypass fear—and to make the steps so small that you can barely notice an effort.”

·        When we face crises, “the only concrete steps available are small ones. When our lives are in great distress, even while we are feeling out of control or in emotional pain, we can try to locate the smaller problems within the larger disaster … to help move us slowly in the direction of a solution. But if we are blind to the small, manageable problems, we are more likely to slip into despair.”

Kaizen is an overall set of attitudes, behaviors, tools & techniques.

When you work towards continuous improvement, you can achieve enhanced proficiency and effectiveness in all areas of your life.

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” –Confucius.

“The Kaizen Philosophy assumes that our way of life — be it our working life, our social life, or our home life — deserves to be constantly improved.” — Masaaki Imai

Convince Yourself it's Possible, and Keep Moving Forward.

The Practice Of Gratitude


As I try and shed my Covid19 weight, I have been listening to Podcasts while I exercise. The most recent had Neuroscientist and Stanford Professor Andrew Huberman Ph.D. being interviewed. During the interview he stated he practices gratitude which piqued my interest. This led me to do some research on the Topic. Below are some of the highlights of my readings.

Gratitude is the act of noticing and appreciating all the good things in your life. Gratitude practice is training yourself to notice and appreciate the good things, then expressing gratitude for them.

You need to train yourself to focus on what you’re grateful for, instead of the negative things which may be going on around you.

People who regularly practice gratitude by taking time to notice and reflect upon the things they're thankful for experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems.

In a white paper titled, “The Science of Gratitude” (2018), Greater Good Science Center outlined several benefits to gratitude practice.

For the individual:

  • increased happiness and positive mood
  • more satisfaction with life
  • less materialistic
  • less likely to experience burnout
  • better physical health
  • better sleep
  • less fatigue
  • lower levels of cellular inflammation
  • greater resiliency
  • encourages the development of patience, humility, and wisdom

For groups:

  • increases prosocial behaviors
  • strengthens relationships
  • may help employees’ effectiveness
  • may increase job satisfaction

Researchers determined that gratitude does four things:

  1. Gratitude disconnects us from toxic, negative emotions and the ruminating that often accompanies them. Writing a letter “shifts our attention” so that our focus is on positive emotions.
  2. Expressing gratitude helps us even if we don’t explicitly share it with someone. We’re happier and more satisfied with life because we completed the exercise.
  3. The positive effects of gratitude writing compound like interest. You might not notice the benefit of a daily or weekly practice, but after several weeks and months, you will.
  4. A gratitude practice trains the brain to be more in tune with experiencing gratitude — a positive plus a positive, equal more positives.

Robert Emmons (2010), states that gratitude allows a person to:

  • Celebrate the present
  • Block toxic emotions (envy, resentment, regret, depression)
  • Be more stress-resilient, and
  • Strengthen social ties and self-worth.

Ways to make gratitude part of your day.

  1. Keep a Gratitude Journal
  2. Remember the Bad. To be grateful in your current state, it is helpful to remember the hard times that you once experienced.
  3. Ask Yourself Three Questions: Utilize the meditation technique known as Naikan, which involves reflecting on three questions: “What have I received from __?”, “What have I given to __?”, and “What troubles and difficulty have I caused?”
  4. Share Your Gratitude with Others. 
  5. Use Visual Reminders. 
  6. Make a Vow to Practice Gratitude.
  7. Watch Your Language. 
  8. Go Through the Motions. Grateful motions include smiling, saying thank you, and writing letters of gratitude. By “going through grateful motions,” you’ll trigger the emotion of gratitude more often.
  9. Think Outside the Box. 
  10. Notice the beauty in nature each day.
  11. Nurture the friendships you have; good friends don’t come along every day.
  12. Include an act of kindness in your life each day.
  13. Avoid negative media and movies with destructive content.
  14. Call your mom or dad more often...
  15. Don’t gossip or speak badly about anyone.
  16. Spend quality time with your kids, and loved ones
  17. Remember to compliment your friends and family when they look good.
  18. Write a card to someone you haven’t seen in a while and tell them something nice.
  19. Add to your gratitude list daily, at least one more thing each day.
  20. When you think a negative thought, try to see the positive side in the situation.
  21. Commit to one day a week when you won’t complain about anything.
  22. Try to take note when people do a good job and give recognition when it’s due at work.
  23. Reward effort, if someone does something nice for you, do something nice for them.
  24. Thank the people who serve you in the community — the shopkeeper, the bus drivers, etc.
  25. Say thank you for the little things your loved ones do for you, things you normally take for granted.
  26. Embrace challenges and turn them into opportunities to grow.
  27. Be thankful when you learn something new.
  28. See the growth opportunity in your mistakes.
  29. Help your friends see the positive side to life.
  30. When times are bad, focus on your friends who are at your side.
  31. When time is good, notice and help others.
  32. Make gratitude a part of family life, share it with each other during mealtime.
  33. Practice gratitude at the same time every day to make it a habit.
  34. Focus on your strengths.
  35. Think about what lessons you can take away from stressful situations instead of solely focusing on your stress.
  36. Write a positive review for a business that recently gave you a great experience.
  37. Challenge yourself to minimize or completely diminish complaining and criticizing for a short period and reflect on how much energy you put towards these feelings.
  38. Identify at least one positive thing that you appreciate or can learn when you’re faced with a seemingly bad situation.
  39. Write thank you notes whenever possible.
  40. Pick up a hobby you’ve been meaning to try. Making yourself happier can help you feel more grateful.
  41. Meditate on things you’re grateful to have in your life.
  42. Think about something or someone you’re thankful for right when you wake up.
  43. Reflect on the people or things you’re thankful for at work while you’re getting ready to go home. Keep a gratitude list at work you can use to reflect
  44. Post on social media about something you’re #grateful for.
  45. Set a reminder for yourself on your phone to pause and think of something you’re grateful for in that moment.
  46. Think of a positive thought whenever a negative thought pops up in your mind.
  47. Keep a simple gratitude list and add to it every day.


  • Be realistic. 
  • Start by just thinking about it once a day
  • Keep a gratitude journal
  • Tell people thank you, verbally or in writing
  • Keep at it – over time it gets easier

Wishing everyone Happy Holiday Seasons, and the joy of gratitude.

Convince Yourself it's Possible, and Keep Moving Forward.




During this time of uncertainty I set myself multiple goals which included exercising, listening to an educational Podcast during the day, reading more, and spending quality time with my Family

From listening and reading, this year for me has been a chance to self-reflect, learn and continue my life education.

The information I have provided below has come from the Books and Articles I have read, Experience and Podcasts that I have listened too.

Some of the books I recommend:  Never split the difference, 12 Rules of for life (‘heavy’ reading), No, Priceless, The Talent Code, Barking up the Wrong Tree, Pre-suasion and The Culture Code.

Some of the Podcasts interviews I recommend: Chris Voss, Chris Lee, Robin Sharma, David Goggin’s, Alex Honnold, Andrew Huberman and Dr. Edith Eger.

·        Communication

To make a connection you need to show empathy, and to communicate, “you are safe and connected”

-         Take aggressiveness out of questions: e.g. “You can’t leave”, “What do you hope to achieve by going?”

-         Remain with a question until its answered 3 times, or the statement is repeated 3 times. This provides the other person 3 times to agree or disagree.

-         Paraphrasing + labelling = summary

·        Resolving Difficult Conversation:

-         Keep calm, and slow the conversation down

-         Use active listening – open ended questions

-         Label Emotions

·        Meetings | Negotiations:

What and how questions -

-         What are we trying to accomplish?

-         How is that worthwhile?

-         What’s the core issue here?

-         How does that effect things?

-         What’s the biggest challenge you face?

-         How does this fit into what the objective is?

Come to a solution everyone feels positive about. Leave a good impression.

·        Training: –

The best was to provide feedback: “I am giving you these comments because I have very high expectations and I know that you can reach them.”

Training people (new staff etc.) make is personal. Get them talking about their ambitions, what they can bring to the group. Provide a shirt, sweater, hat etc. with the company’s name and their name embroider on it.

Team Exercise: “We are lost at sea. What special skills might they bring to the situation.”

·        Children: -

Praise your kids for their efforts not intelligence. If only praise intelligence, they will

be afraid to take risks and make mistakes. This can also be for adults.

Pay attention to what your children are fascinated by, and praise them for their efforts

·        Dealing with Stress and Anxiety:

Could it be worse?

Why am I angry? Is it really important?

What can I learn from it?

Always be future oriented. With time and Distance, it will not feel as important. Don’t be obsessed with the past. Don’t be weighed down by the past. Have hindsight now.

When bad things happen, don’t let it consume you. Don’t let bitterness or hatred bring you down.

·        Optimistic People Tell Themselves Bad Events: -

-         Are temporary (happen occasionally but it’s not a big deal)

-         Have a specific cause and aren’t universal. (when the weather is better that won’t be a problem), and

-         Are not their fault (I’m good at this, but today was not my day)

-         Celebrate small events

·        Gratitude:

You need to train yourself to focus on what you’re grateful for, instead of the negative things which may be going on around you.

Gratitude allows you to: (Robert Emmons)

-         Celebrate the present

-         Block toxic emotions (envy, resentment, regret, depression)

-         Be more stress-resilient, and

-         Strengthen social ties and self-worth.

·        Kaizen -

Kaizen - continuous, incremental improvement adds up to substantial change over time.

By breaking intimidating tasks into little steps, you generally will feel little resistance to change

Program your brain – ask same question every day

Criteria – so small that there is no push back (does not create anxiety), easy to do, no conscious effort. 


-         What activity will make me more joyful each week?

-         What small step today could save me money?

·        Character vs. Reputation –

-         If money is lost – Nothing is Lost

-         If Health is Lost – Something is Lost

-         If Character is Lost – Everything is Lost

·        General:

-         Repetition is the key for learning

-         Ask, “How can I be useful to you?”

-         People respond more to loss than gain: Loss is greater than gain

-         People will correct you to make themselves seem smarter

-         No deal is better than a bad deal

-         If you are looking for your Team to collaborate and increase communication, make sure their desks are no more than 6 meters apart (Allen Curve)

-         Be Curious, Be Nicer and be Grateful.

Thanksgiving is around the corner, and it may be difficult for many to feel thankful, as it has been a year of endless challenges and heartache for many.

A chapter in my work life is about to close, and I am confident that will be writing a new story soon. I have always believed that ‘things’ happen for a reason; we just may not know why initially.  I am thankful that my Family and Friends are healthy, for the people I have thus far met and worked with, for the new career I will embark on, and for the challenges which I have faced and will face.

May your blessings be multiplied this year, and throughout your life. May we all get to enjoy future celebrations with our friends and family and fill our homes with laughter and love.

Convince Yourself it’s Possible, and Keep Moving Forward