Communication Skills:
our ethos/ culture. This is the way we been doing it for 20+ years. If
you do not like it, why did you leave xyz?” When you hear this
statement, there has generally been a miscommunication. You may even be
labelled a complainer or non-team player which may be difficult to come
back from.”
Creating a List for Success:
a manager you are only as successful as the people you are managing,
thus as you will see I had everyone set goals for themselves.
Sales: Generating Leads:
Never Give Up:
lesson is often forgotten, as we all feel the need for instant
satisfaction. My daughter of five has learnt early in life that to
succeed you need to put in the hard work. This early lesson will only
benefit her as she gets older.”
Creating a Winning Team:
in Sports, it is not always the team with the best players that wins,
but the one that is well organized and has strong leadership.
Customer Service/ Being a Solution Provider
large institutions miss this mark on customer service. As the economy
deteriorates, or your company looks to cut costs the first employees to
lose their jobs are the non-revenue generators. This generally is your
customer service team and marketing team. As these teams get smaller and
smaller, more and more emphasis is being placed on the sales generators
to provide the additional customer service.
Being Customer Centric:
competition in all Industries being highly competitive what are you,
your business and employees doing to differentiate yourself from your
competition? Are you speaking with your employees to find out what is
working and not working to be able to provide the stellar and WOW
Customer Service Experience?
Credit Score Dictating what job can get.
after 1 1/2 weeks he was informed that they were rescinding their offer
due to his credit score “dings” and “dents”. Unfortunately Brad had
been one of the thousands of citizens who had been caught in the Housing
Bubble. In 2009 one of his properties he owned had gone into
foreclosure. Due to delayed credit reporting it only started showing on
his report in 2013.
Team Sport helps creating winning Business Teams:
the players do not work together the team will ultimately lose the
game. Even with a ‘Star Player’ if they do not work with the rest of
their teammates the team will ultimately lose more than they win.
Employee Happiness:
the economy starts to shift into the positive, and the job market opens
up companies need to start placing more emphasis on their employees
'happiness'. CEO's need to look at shifting gears before they lose their
best employees to companies that realize this before them, and move
quicker than them.
Patience: Everyone Learns at their own pace
is no royal, flower-strewn path to success. And if there is, I have not
found it. For if I have accomplished anything in life, it is because I
have been willing to work hard.” – C.J. Walker
Make sure you Present yourself well.
life and in work we are continuously on a ‘stage’ giving
‘presentations’. Some people are better in presenting themselves or
their message than others.
Crash course in Business Lessons
Sometimes you have to take a backseat (“siblings
may get recognized for their achievements before you”) - In business
work with your specialists, and have faith in them to take the lead.
Recognize their achievements.
Business Loan Lessons for when applying for a Loan:
Please note the ‘M’s and the ‘C’s’ do overlap.
Remember to Relax and Take a Step Back and see the full picture
you want to live in a crying house or fine house?” “If you want to live
in a fine house then stop yelling.” After being taken back a little by
this question, it reminded us that as a human being you control the
situation and environment that you would like to live and work in.
Choosing the right Partner
Elon Musk stated, he is able to make change within his vehicles
quicker idea (get an approval) than his larger competitors as Tesla is
more nimble and has less layers of management (less bureaucracy) to
answer too.
I am not interested. Sorry, I am not looking to change. Sorry, I am
happy where I am. Sorry, it is too much effort.…..anyone in sales has
probably heard these phrases
understand that they cannot, and do not want to respond to every call,
email and drop-in they receive. However, I do believe if a Salesperson/
Solution Provider shows initiative, does their research, and thinks
outside of the box a courtesy call or email would be justified. This
courtesy in the long or short term could be rewarding.
Sometimes you need to make your own luck when looking to a new career/ job
are hundred different reasons’ you may be looking for a new position.
Your reason for looking/ leaving your current position will be one of
the first questions you will be asked
Common Courtesy:
when you email someone internally or externally from your company it’s a
50/50 chance they will respond in a timely manner or at all. The same
seems to be the case when leaving a voice message, and the odds drop I
would say to less than 30 % response rate when sending someone an Evite.
Has technology been slowly eating away at our common courtesy.
Technology Destroying Communication Skills
are losing the capabilities of being able to read body language and
tone of voice as there are fewer conversations happening on a daily
basis. This in turn is leading to an extremely politically correct
society, as we cannot distinguish what is a joke or not.
first piece of advice I was given after arriving was too talk slower
and enunciate. South Africans tend to swallow their words and run their
sentences together. After fourteen years I still sometimes need to
remind myself too talk slower.
If you were looking to give yourself advice in life and business today what would it be?
Networking Groups:
you were climbing the ladder of success, would it not have been great
to meet your future self to give yourself advice on what you should have
done or not have done.
Starting a Networking Group:
Creating a networking group can be a lot of work, throw up many roadblocks, yet can also be very rewarding.
How important is leadership within an organization?
So what can we learn from this transformation of a side languishing in 8th position in the Premier league?
Believe in yourself:
put it another way the odds of Simon Cowell to become the next Prime
Minister was 500/1, for Hugh Hefner to admit he's a virgin 1000/1, Andy
Murray to name his first born Novak 500/1.
How’s your Driving?
I was a hiring manager and saw the candidate drive in the manner
outlined above prior to coming into the interview I may have some
preconceived ideas about the candidate. Rightly or wrongly they may have
an additional hurdle to overcome during the interview.
Overcoming Obstacles. Keeping yourself happy
the process of overcoming the roadblocks and set-backs what did you do
to keep yourself happy, and moving forward?! It is easy to digress into
depression when things do not go the way you had planned or envisioned.
Working on your Vacation:
what do you do, when you are on vacation and have Cell Phone Reception
and you continuously hear the beep of a new email coming in? Are you
able to switch off?
Organizing a Golf Day.
enthusiasm, belief in our group, people we knew and what we were
looking to achieve drove us forward. We were excited to assist our
community in making new connections and raising funds for a
Non-for-Profit of our choosing.
you followed all the 'rules' of today you would drive yourself and
everyone around you crazy. Your child may grow up expecting everything
to be done for them, not understand that everything is not put on a
silver plate, that there are winners and losers (in sport and in
life).........Yet........they Will all be in touch with their feelings
and have lots of trophies