Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Make July the month we bring back common courtesy

Courtesy - excellence of manners or social conduct; polite behavior. A courteous, respectful, or considerate act or expression.

I was recently at an event  and the question was asked, "Has common courtesy disappeared?" 150 people were invited to the event we were attending and less than 30 % responded. From our discussion we came to the conclusion that common courtesy has taken a backseat.   Today, when you email someone internally or externally from your company it’s a 50/50 chance they will respond in a timely manner or at all. The same seems to be the case when leaving a voice message, and the odds drop I would say to less than 30 % response rate when sending someone an Evite. Has technology been slowly eating away at our common courtesy?
Make the rest of July common courtesy month for yourself (hopefully it will continue). I am positive that if we show each other respect/courtesy, our colleagues, our prospects, our friends and our current clients will be happier and business service internally and externally will improve.
 Courtesy goals:
  1. Return voice messages within 24 hrs
  2. Respond to ALL email requests within 24 hrs
  3. Respond to all invitations prior to the RSVP date (even if not going)
  4. Say thank you and please
  5. If you are on vacation, have an out of office message on your voicemail and email
  6. Don’t have your phone 'out' while having a conversation (definitely no texting)
  7. Turn off your phone ‘ringer’ when in meetings
  8. Be on time to your meetings (aim to be 10 minutes early)
  9. If you are running late (sometimes unavoidable), let whomever you are meeting know
  10. If you have someone coming to your office, and your current appointment  is running long let your next appointment know (e.g.would it not be nice if your doctors office called/ text you to let you know they are running late and please come 30 min later) Treat everyone's time with respect.
 I am sure you have many additional courtesies that you miss. What is important to you to  add?
"The true greatness of a person, in my view, is evident in the way he or she treats those with whom courtesy and kindness are not required." Joseph B. Wirthlin