If you attend networking events on a consistent basis you may have noticed, that you are starting to see the same faces over and over. This initially is not a bad consequence, as you get to know all attendees well. The issue starts when you are not meeting new people at the events being held. This I believe is one of the main reasons some groups eventually fail.
The question becomes how does your group not become a statistic?! Consider Winston Churchill’s quote, “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” This can have many interpretations dependent on the nature of the conversation. For a networking group, you are only as strong as your community and group you have created. Without your community and group members ‘giving;, your community and group will eventually fail.
If you/members are only attending a networking group to see what you/they can gain, the group will eventually become extinct. Individuals need to change the way they approach and feel about a Group.
The mindset of people attending and who have decided not to attend Networking events should look to change. You should not look to go to a meeting/ gathering to see what you can gain, rather go to the meeting/ gathering to see how you can ‘give’.
A cliche, “What comes around goes around”. By being a resource and a connector people will naturally think of you when an opportunity in your field arises. Be generous with your time.
There are no hard and fast rules showing which groups will succeed or fail, however my belief is: If more people have the mind set of Winston Churchill's quote there would be more success in business and life in general.
When you were climbing the ladder of success, would it not have been great to meet your future self to give yourself advice on what you should have done or not have done.
CEO’s, CFO’s, COO’s, Business Professionals, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs I invite you to volunteer your time. Choose a group (s) and attend on a regular basis, speak at local business events, invite your connections and share your knowledge and expertise.
2015 is coming to an end, let the rest of the year and 2016 be the year that everyone listens to Winston Churchill.
Good luck with your groups and making new connections.
Some Questions to ask yourself if you are looking to create a Networking Group:
- Who are you looking to attract to the group? (Who is your target market?)
- How are you going to generate a list of professionals to invite
- Where are you going to have the meetings (morning /+evening, how often etc.)
- Will you have speakers? Will you invite outside speakers
- How are you going to get the ‘big hitters’ to attend? How you going to get anyone to attend?